Four quick things for you today. 1. I am phasing out the amherstwc@eastlink.ca email address for the church and will be using mainly leadpastor.awc@gmail.com now. You can email me there and it would be helpful to add it to your contacts so you don't miss emails from me. 2. When there is bad weather on a Sunday, we still have Sunday service. I can walk to the church and will be there regardless. It is up to you to decide whether you should be out on the roads or not. There is no obligation to be there on Sunday, even if you are scheduled to volunteer, when the roads are bad. I leave it up to your judgment. Be safe. But if you show up, I will be there. 3. We have an extended service planned for Sunday (and the bad weather isn't supposed to start until the afternoon, so we should be fine), which allows us to do a couple special things we don't normally get to do. I hope you can make it, and just plan for the service to be from 10:30am-Noon this Sunday. 4. We have a Worship Night scheduled for Sunday night, but that is something that may get cancelled due to the weather. We may be able to announce on Sunday morning if it is happening or not, but be watching for an update on facebook and email on Sunday as to whether it is cancelled or not.
1. Soul's Harbour has posted the two jobs for their Amherst location! You can find details and apply for the Drop In Manager or the Cook & Shift Supervisor by following these links. 2. Construction on the second main floor washroom has begun! We still need about $1000 to come in for it before we can proceed with installing the plumbing, but things are coming together! 3. Did you hear that Pastor Brad challenged the teens to get 40 students to Friday night youth? He said he would dye his hair pink if that happened. Last Friday they had 53 teens show up!!!!!!!!! Guess who has pink hair now! |
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The Darkness InsideIt's Fine, I'm Fine - Sunday, February 9, 2025 For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/media/2025-02-09-the-darkness-inside
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Worship NightSunday, February 16 - 7pm A night of worship. Songs, Prayer, and creative elements will be used to set aside time to simply focus on God and give Him glory. For more infomation visit:
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Grieving HeartsThursdays Grief is messy and it can often be much harder than we ever expected. This group offers a chance for you to connect with others who are grieving, share your story (when you are ready), and gain some insights about grief.
This group is held on Thursdays 6:30pm-7:30pm.
It runs for 8-10 weeks and is usually offered in the fall and again in the winter.
Winter Session - Feb 6 to April 10 (2025)
Please call (902) 667 9126 or email amherstwc@eastlink.ca to register for the group.
There is no registration fee but donations are always appreciated.
For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/events/grieving-hearts--116/2025-02-06
Small GroupsBible Study & Discipleship Have you joined a Small Group yet? Yes? Don't forget to put it in your calendar and continue investing in those connections. No? Check out our list of options and let us know if you don't see an option that will work for you. We want to create options that work for as many people as possible. For more infomation visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_gCnYJ7STSsd0La1eU4QP1t223EQEkBUzJaflPjog7zgwEA/viewform
English as a Second Language
Mondays at 7pm Come learn English and about life in Canada. This is open to everyone. We want to make this course available to everyone regardless of their economic situation. For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/events/english-as-a-second-language/2024-04-22
The Olive BranchTuesdays @ 6:30pm A SAFE PLACE to find community and freedom from your life controlling issues and destructive habits: substance abuse, behavioural or emotional/interpersonal issues which are out of control and result in negative outcomes like loss of relationships, employment, finances, health or safety.” The Olive Branch is a Bible Centered 12 step program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.
Every Tuesday night starting at 6:30pm
For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/events/celebrate-recovery/2021-11-09
Konnect-PlayWednesdays at 5:45pm Join us at the West Highlands Elementary Gymnasium for games and lessons designed to help kids grow in their confidence and character development. For kids in Grades Primary to 6 For more infomation visit:
Konnect the TotsThursdays @9:30-11:30am Konnect the Tots is a playgroup for parents and kids that takes place every Thursday from 9:30-11:30 at Amherst Wesleyan Church (6 Maltby Ct). There are toys and activities set up in the basement of the church for kids to play with! Everyone is welcome! (Enter through the parking lot side door!) For more infomation visit:
EDGE Youth
Teens Grades 6-12 - Fridays 6:30-8:30pm
For more infomation visit:
Stay Up to Date
You can also see our full calendar here! Download the Tithe.ly Church App and then search for the Amherst Wesleyan Church to stay connected with sermons, events, giving, social media and more! You Give to AWC through e-transfer to give.awc@gmail.com You can send prayer requests to prayer.awc@gmail.com Contact Pastor Evan at leadpastor.awc@gmail.com Contact Pastor Brad by replying to this email! |