This is our final newsletter until September. Make sure you get your kids and grandkids signed up for Konnect Camp! Pre-Register Here Please go to the Connection Centre on Sunday if you are able to help with our Canada Day work downtown so you can get a red Crew shirt. If you have been asked to help with the house renovation or are interested in being part of it, please find Pastor Evan after the service as he will be doing a walkthrough of the Red House to review some of the projects that need to be completed. |
1. We have begun working on the renovations to the Red House to create more office space as well as an upstairs apartment we will be renting out! 2. I got this message on Sunday, and I wanted to share it with all of you. This is what God is doing in our church lately (I have changed a couple things to keep the message anonymous): Hey Evan. That was amazing today. A member of my family had a huge breakthrough and surrendered everything she's been going through to God this morning and it was such an amazing moment for our family. I'm filled with so much joy being able to see that today- your sermon really hit home with her and it was incredible. It's one thing for me to go through these experiences... but to see members of my family coming and feeling the presence of God is absolutely amazing. I felt like I really had to reach out to tell you- God really is using you to spread His word in such amazing ways not just in my family but to His church. I know I probably sound repetitive but His presence when you and Brad are preaching and when we are all worshiping together is crazy (in a good way). We are so thankful as a family to be surrounded by people that love God the same way we do. Thank you all for welcoming our family I could cry lol we feel so touched by God and appreciate people being put in our lives to help our own personal journey with Him. Especially since this is a new journey for me and other family members, there is a lot of us turning to Christ and I'm just soo thankful. Hope you and your family enjoy the rest of today- thanks again... big time. 3. I got a chance to chat with another couple of families on Sunday and even though it was supposed to be a casual time together, God brought up some pretty serious content to the conversation and everyone was just able to embrace what God was doing right then and there! |
Don't Fall AsleepFrom Fishermen to Fishers of Men - Sunday, June 23, 2024 I think we have all fallen asleep while praying. We are already tired and then we close our eyes and try to surrender our troubles to God, then we fall asleep! Unfortunately, that often leaves us missing our time with God, and not only that, it gets in the way of our mission. There is power in prayer, and Jesus understood this better than anyone. In a critical moment of His ministry He didn't ask His disciples to gather food, preach louder, or make money, He asked them to pray with Him. Then, they fell asleep. Matthew 26:41-46 The middle of the fight is not the time to fall asleep. For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/media/2024-06-23-don-t-fall-asleep
Canada Day in AmherstMonday, July 1 We will be participating in the Canada Day Celebration in Downtown Amherst this year! It will take place 11am-3pm on July 1st. If you'd like to help out at all, come on down and find us! For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/events/canada-day-in-amherst/2024-07-01
Kids Play GroupThursdays @9:30-11:30am Happening All Summer! Come check out our casual playgroup on Thursdays. Let the kids play as the parents chat! For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/events/kids-play-group/2023-09-14
OvercomersTuesdays @ 6:30pm A SAFE PLACE to find community and freedom from your life controlling issues and destructive habits: substance abuse, behavioural or emotional/interpersonal issues which are out of control and result in negative outcomes like loss of relationships, employment, finances, health or safety.”Overcomers is a Bible Centered 12 step program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.
Every Tuesday night starting at 6:30pm
For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/events/celebrate-recovery/2021-11-09
English as a Second LanguageSUMMER BREAK NO CLASS THIS SUMMER New Semester Starts Sept 9th, Mondays at 7pm Come learn English and about life in Canada. This is open to everyone. We want to make this course available to everyone regardless of their economic situation. For more infomation visit: http://amherstwesleyan.com/events/english-as-a-second-language/2024-04-22
EDGE Youth
Only Special Summer Events Happening July-Aug
Teens Grades 6-12 - Fridays 6:30-8:30pm
For more infomation visit:
Stay Up to Date
You can also see our full calendar here! Download the Tithe.ly Church App and then search for the Amherst Wesleyan Church to stay connected with sermons, events, giving, social media and more! |